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Dana Roilton
Jackson, mississippi
"With each session, I am pushed to greater heights to develop my brand. She has been very consistent with checking to see if I was meeting my goals. The questions she asked forced me to search deep within for the why, the what, and whom my business serves. I left each session feeling motivated, aware, inspired, and hungry for SUCCESS! Being under her guidance has helped me more than just with brand development but it has helped me holistically as an individual."
“I recently worked with these beautiful people to help them build their brand from the inside out. See what they have to say about the experience.”
with maranda

Kam Ridley
Visual Artist and Shaman
Jersey City, New Jersey
"I am a visual artist and energy healer. I came to Maranda because I needed help merging the two brands I'd created. I thought she'd have a quick look at both brands, create a story with synergy, give me wording, etc. but that didn't happen at all. Instead of focusing on the brand details first, Maranda allowed purpose and intention to drive the coaching session. I appreciated this approach because it made me get out the mode of thinking color schemes and catchphrases and forced me to go deep within to define a space that only I could exist in. By defining my own space, I eliminate the pressure of competition and can create from an honest space allowing ideas to flow. Maranda helped me define my ideal client, and she helped give my brand a feeling and a vibe that will attract my ideal client. Maranda's soul-searching approach to branding is a journey worth taking for yourself as well as your potential clients."

Sheena Allen
ceo and founder of capway, inc
atlanta, georgia
"Maranda is a creative beast. If you want to work with someone who will bring out the best in you (and your team) in order to elevate your way of thinking and your brand, Maranda is the answer. "

George Pitts
Business & Financial Strategist
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
"Maranda has been the catalyst to my rebranding. She opened up things within me that I haven’t thought about in years. I've been in business for three years now and have been successful at it. However, I didn’t understand my true WHY until after one session with her. She is an amazing coach and working with her, you to have two coaches in one. She is definitely a contributor to my continued success."

Seth PoweR
Music ArtisT
Brandon, mississippi
"Maranda and I met recently for a discovery session and it was a very enlightening experience. She came fully prepared to tackle the challenges that I laid out for her concerning my public image and she asked me penetrating questions about the “why” of what I am doing. It was certainly well worth the money, time, and effort and I draw from that conversation quite often during my work. If you are seeking objective AND subjective guidance for yourself then she is a great person to have in your corner."